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Recommended Reading!

Towards an Integral Vision by Peter McNab

Towards An Integral Vision (Using NLP and Ken Wilber's AQAL Model to enhance communication)
by Peter McNab
ISBN 1-41204527-4 Forward by Ken Wilber Author of “A Brief History of Everything".

Don't miss your chance to obtain a signed copy of Peter's book - you can request a signed copy via e-mail - click here to e-mail Peter.

Here are some other books which may be of interest ...

Awaken the Giant Within - Anthony Robbins
ISBN: 0-671-71188-1. A book for understanding oneself and how to achieve one's full potential.

Beyond Negotiation - John Carlisle and Robert Parker
ISBN: 0-471-92203-X. About redeeming customer-supplier relationships by the one practitioner recommended to me by Deming, namely John Carlisle.

Deming's Road to Continual Renewal - William W Scherkenback
ISBN: 0-945320-10-8. An introduction into Deming's work.

First Things First - Stephen R Covey
ISBN: 0-671-71283-7. After the Seven Habits - see below - this is a good 'time management' read.

Flow, The Psychology of Happiness - Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi
For understanding life a little better.

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living - Dale Carnegie
ISBN: 437-02071-1 (This is my old copy so the number may have been updated). For anyone and everyone.

Maverick! - Ricardo Semier
ISBN: 0-09-932941-7. No, not the cowboy! This is written by the boss - a most unusual one - of Semier, which certainly was a company at the leading edge of 'workplace democracy'.

Musashi - Eiji Yoshikawa
ISBN: 0-87011-9664. Sold 120 million copies in Japan alone. The 'Gone with the Wind' of Japan. Gives an insight into the thinking of the Japanese people.

Out of the Crisis - W Edwards Deming
ISBN: 0-521-30553-5. A Master of organisational transformation - not an easy book but very rewarding.

Punished by Rewards - Alfie Kohn
ISBN: 0-395-65028-3. This book sets out the Case against rewards.

Synchronicity - Joseph Jaworski
ISBN: 0-881052-94-X. A compelling read certainly for all businesspeople.

The Celestial Prophesy - James Redfield
ISBN: 0-446-51862-X. An adventure discovering nine insights of life.

The Fifth Discipline - Peter Senge
ISBN: 0-7126-9885-X. 'The art and practice of the learning organisation.'

The Goal - Eiiyahu M Goldratt and Jeff Cox
ISBN: 0-566-074184. Especially, perhaps, for manufacturers - although the principles apply to all organisations.

The New Economics - W Edwards Deming
ISBN: 0-911379-05-3. Deming only wrote two books, this is his second.

The Power of One - Bryce Courtnay
ISBN: 0-7493-0122-8. A story of focus and wonder.

The Richest Man in Babylon - George S Clarson
ISBN: 0451-16520-9. A simple, short and wise book - should he required reading in school too!

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R Covey
ISBN: 0-671-70863-5. As relevant to the family as it is for work. If you are looking for a business book start with this, a good grounding.

The Tao of Pooh - Benjamin Hoff
A short fun story and an important book for those who need more balance in their lives.

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
ISBN: 0-87980-163-8. A simple and proven way of focusing your life.

Unlimited Power - Anthony Robbins
ISBN: 0-671-69976-8. Another 'lives changing' book.

Use Your Memory - Tony Buzan
Mind maps, remembering books read, etc. Incidentally, Tony has many worthwhile books.

Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman
ISBN: 0-915811-00-6. An 'easy to read' story uncovering our hidden potential.

Yes or No - Spencer Johnson
Excellent story on decision making.

Leadership training resources - Integral Leadership, Executive Development Programmes, Sheffield, South Yorkshire
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