Integral Leadership: the four legs of IL

The Four Legs of Integral LeadershipThe 4 legs of IL: Outcome, Sensory Awareness, Flexibility, Action

Outcome - know what you want.

So many people seem to know what they don't want - 'I don't want to be depressed', 'I don't want to be in this job', 'I don't want to be in this relationship'. What many of them do not know is what they do want.

In terms of Integral Leadership, the starting point is to ask what your Outcome is.

Sensory Awareness - notice what is happening to you and to others around you.

You need to be noticing what is happening around you. This includes what you can see and hear in others and also becoming aware of what is going on inside you - what you can see, hear and feel internally.

Really noticing is having Sensory Awareness.

Flexibility - become aware that you could do different things.

Now that you know what you want and noticing what is happening around you need to develop the ability to do something different if you want to achieve different results - different behaviours, different habits, different thought patterns, different beliefs.

Developing Flexibility will lead to different results.

Action - do something else - take massive action.

If what you are doing isn't working, do something else - take action.

See also:

The Four Legs of Integral Leadership - Certificate in Advanced Business Communications, Executive Development Programmes
© 2010 Integral Leadership
Certificate in Advanced Business Communications